


日本人の繊細な五感に育まれてきた日本酒。醸造の舞台となる風土、伝統に裏付けられた製法、 そして蔵元の誇りが織り成す至宝酒の物語を、全国各地から厳選してご紹介しましょう。

The story of sake: the treasure of Japan

~Exploring the precious sake that attracts the world~

Sake has been refined over the years by the delicate senses of the Japanese people. Let us introduce to you the story of the serendipitous sake that is born when the topography of an area, brewing methods backed by years of tradition, and the pride of the brewery intertwine.



Enjoying the ‘now’ of sake

Sake--also called nihonshu--has a long tradition, but is still full of fresh surprises. It has also been warmly welcomed by the world market because of how carefully it is brewed, its possibility to pair with French cuisine, and the rich potential it possesses for the discovery of new ways to appreciate sake.

Local breweries dot the entire country and make original brands of sake in small lots. New ways of appreciating sake are being developed to connect hundreds of years of sake-brewing tradition with the people of today--for example, by combining locally available natural carbonated water and sake. Rare topics like this are another characteristic of the world of sake.

Where does this openness of sake come from? A huge part of sake brewing relies on the power of nature. The variations of sake are endless depending on the local features, materials, and climate. The rich potential within each region is the key to creating sake that is loved by so many.


日本の風土は、かけがえのないものです。山麓から湧き出る名水、収穫される酒米、連綿と受け継がれてきた蔵元の技。どれが欠けても「至宝酒」は生まれません。味わいと香りは言うまでもなく、奥深い自然の力を引き出す蔵元の酒造りそのものに「和」の魅力が匂い立つ…だからこそ日本酒は、世界を惹きつけてやまないのでしょう。 さらにそこには真摯な酒造りスピリット、貴重な伝統製法に新しいアイデアを加えるモチベーションが惜しげもなく投入されています。それは言わば、蔵元の魂。蔵元が手塩にかけることで日本酒は「味わえる芸術」の域に達するのです。 ただし、それが次世代にも受け継がれていくかどうかは今、あまりにも未知数です。日本酒という宝物の未来に、もっと光が当たるべき段階に来ているといえるでしょう。

Why sake grabs the attention of the world

Japan’s topography is one of a kind. The spring water from the foot of the mountains, the rice harvested to make sake, and the techniques that have been passed down through the generations: if even one of these elements is missing, the serendipitous sake will not be born. Not to mention the taste and the aroma, the brewers use techniques that draw power from the depths of nature, and these techniques possess the Japanese spirit that attracts the world.

In addition, therein lies Japan’s sincere sake-brewing spirit and the motivation to add new ideas to the precious traditional brewing methods. In other words, that is the soul of the brewers. Because the brewers put in so much effort into the sake-brewing process, sake has reached the status of ‘tasteable art’.

However, whether or not the precious sake-brewing spirit will be passed on to the next generation is uncertain. It can be said that the future of sake--the treasure of Japan--is now at a stage where it deserves more of the spotlight.


ワイン選びに産地、ぶどうの種類、醸造年が必須であるように、日本酒も産地の風土、水や米といった素材のプロフィールが重要視されつつあります。クオリティや評価を特定の産地と結びつつける表示「GI=ジオグラフィカル・インディケーション(Geographical Indication)」が進みつつあるのも、そのためです。 価値ある日本酒は、飲む人を惹きつけてやまない物語性を秘めています。日本酒に合う料理、日本酒を応援したくなるような試飲、蔵元を訪ねる旅を、オンラインで、そしてぜひリアルでも堪能してください。

Towards an existence that is geographically one-of-a-kind

Just as the area, the type of grape, and the year of brewing are essential for wine selection, the profile of ingredients such as the water and the rice used for sake brewing--as well as the topography of the area--are also being considered more and more important. That is also why GI (Geographical Indication), which is a sign that links the quality and reputation of a product to a specific producing area, is progressing in the world of sake.

Quality sake comes with a story that attracts people. Please enjoy exploring the cuisines that pair well with sake, tastings that make you want to cheer for breweries, and visits to the brewers--both in real life and on the internet.



日本酒、お勧めの伝統食材とGI登録産品を集めてます。 GIとは、Geographical Indicationの略で、「地域の優れた産品に対し、国が保証する制度」のことです。

  • 富美菊酒造(羽根屋)さんで心を動かされた話


  • 【富美菊酒蔵(羽根屋)】お酒談義はとまらない(2)!(オンライン試飲会)


  • 日本酒の世界(5)「微生物との関係」
